
RiMusic and NewPipe Update

Recently I noticed RiMusic had a new update on FDroid so I decided to try it out again. I backed up my data from ViMusic and imported it to RiMusic with no issue. I’ve been on it about a week now and no more crashes. So I rescind my previous complaints about it’s stability. I would now recommend RiMusic over ViMusic. NewPipe Comments It seems YouTube changed something about their comments recently and this has…

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Lifestyle Privacy Software

(Update) The Push to Eliminate Google from my Daily Life

It’s been 3 weeks since I started my attempt to fully remove google from my phone. The journey has had some ups and downs. I think I have a mostly stable solutions set in place now. The services I was trying to replace were Youtube, Youtube Music, and Google Maps Youtube – Winner (NewPipe) Initially I narrowed my selection of Youtube replacements down to two options. LibreTube and NewPipe. Just based on LibreTube UI I…

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Internet Lifestyle Privacy Software

The Push to Eliminate Google from my Daily Life

For a while now I’ve made an attempt to eliminate the use of Google from my daily life. Around 18 months ago I picked up a Pixel 3A and installed Ubuntu Touch on it. While it was fully functional technically speaking it was an abysmal experience overall. I may detail that experience later, but the Tl;dr is that I flashed CalyxOS on the phone and that was the biggest catalyst to this change. Since then…

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Linux Software Windows

Podcast Sync with NextCloud

Long have I searched for a solution to sync my podcasts at my desktop and phone without paying for a service. The simple answer most people would give is to use Spotify or Amazon Music. But I am stubborn. Here is my criteria: Sync Server: GPodder Sync on NextCloud Let’s start with the crux of this issue. Go on over to nextcloud and install Gpodder Sync as an app. Easy enough. With that out of…

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Linux Software Steam

Steam Deck Tip: Higher Resolution While Docked

If you find yourself playing the steam deck while docked on on something like a 4k television or 1080p computer monitor, you might be wondering why in-game settings seem to lock you to the native 1280×800 resolution. I wondered this too and stumbled across this helpful video the explained the process by Marcus Adams on Youtube. I’d like to outline the steps here though for those of you that just want the answer. To Increase…

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Software Windows

Agent Ransack – Grep for Windows

Agent Ransack is not malware. I know. It sounds like a virus. It’s name is reminiscent of a time where encryption was a novel concept and viruses popped up on your screen as a means to annoy you rather than steal your bank information. A fitting feel considering this software has been around a long time, since the year 2000 to be exact. For those that prefer politically correct language or for those that need…

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Docker Linux Software

Jellyfin – Host Your Own Streaming Service

Many people have heard of Plex over the years for hosting your own copies of movies you own or home videos, but Jellyfin is an up and coming player in the field of personal streaming services that has emerged in recent years. Jellyfin is an open-source fork of Emby as a response to the closing of some of the open source code used on the Emby project and thus Jellyfin was born. Availability Despite only…

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Docker Linux Software

Personal Search Engine with Searxng and Docker

Searxng For all the nerds out there that love self-hosting you may find a self-hosted search engine to be an appealing prospect. That’s where Searxng comes in handy. Searxng (which I assume is pernounced like searching) is an open source meta search engine that was forked from the popular Searx meta search engine. What makes it different than a traditional search engine is that instead of keeping your own search index and web crawlers, it…

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Installing DaVinci Resolve 18 on PopOS 22.04

Recently I switched from Nobara 36 Linux to PopOS just to test the waters. Nobara was my first positive experience with a distro based on Fedora. Things worked beautifully with a few caveats. One of the features that really impressed me out of the box for Nobara was that it natively supported DaVinci Resolve. It was as simple as downloading the RPM package and running an rpm -i on it. So after getting comfortable with…

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